Fl_Preferences::Entry | |
Fl | The Fl is the FLTK global (static) class containing state information and global methods for the current application |
Fl_Cairo_State | Contains all the necessary info on the current cairo context |
FL_CHART_ENTRY | For internal use only |
Fl_Device | All graphical output devices and all graphics systems |
Fl_Graphics_Driver | A virtual class subclassed for each graphics driver FLTK uses |
Fl_GDI_Graphics_Driver | The MSWindows-specific graphics class |
Fl_GDI_Printer_Graphics_Driver | The graphics driver used when printing on MSWindows |
Fl_PostScript_Graphics_Driver | |
Fl_Quartz_Graphics_Driver | The Mac OS X-specific graphics class |
Fl_Xlib_Graphics_Driver | The Xlib-specific graphics class |
Fl_Surface_Device | A surface that's susceptible to receive graphical output |
Fl_Copy_Surface | Supports copying of graphical data to the clipboard |
Fl_Display_Device | A display to which the computer can draw |
Fl_Image_Surface | Directs all graphics requests to an Fl_Image |
Fl_Paged_Device | Represents page-structured drawing surfaces |
Fl_PostScript_File_Device | To send graphical output to a PostScript file |
Fl_PostScript_Printer | Print support under Unix/Linux |
Fl_Printer | OS-independent print support |
Fl_System_Printer | Print support under MSWindows and Mac OS |
Fl_End | This is a dummy class that allows you to end a Fl_Group in a constructor list of a class: |
Fl_File_Chooser | Displays a standard file selection dialog that supports various selection modes |
Fl_File_Icon | Manages icon images that can be used as labels in other widgets and as icons in the FileBrowser widget |
Fl_FLTK_File_Chooser | |
Fl_GTK_File_Chooser | |
Fl_Font_Descriptor | This a structure for an actual system font, with junk to help choose it and info on character sizes |
Fl_Fontdesc | |
Fl_Gl_Choice | |
Fl_Glut_Bitmap_Font | Fltk glut font/size attributes used in the glutXXX functions |
Fl_Glut_StrokeChar | |
Fl_Glut_StrokeFont | |
Fl_Glut_StrokeStrip | |
Fl_Glut_StrokeVertex | |
Fl_Help_Block | |
Fl_Help_Dialog | Displays a standard help dialog window using the Fl_Help_View widget |
Fl_Help_Font_Stack | |
Fl_Help_Font_Style | Fl_Help_View font stack element definition |
Fl_Help_Link | Definition of a link for the html viewer |
Fl_Help_Target | Fl_Help_Target structure |
Fl_Image | Fl_Image is the base class used for caching and drawing all kinds of images in FLTK |
Fl_Bitmap | Supports caching and drawing of mono-color (bitmap) images |
Fl_XBM_Image | Supports loading, caching, and drawing of X Bitmap (XBM) bitmap files |
Fl_Pixmap | Supports caching and drawing of colormap (pixmap) images, including transparency |
Fl_GIF_Image | Supports loading, caching, and drawing of Compuserve GIFSM images |
Fl_XPM_Image | Supports loading, caching, and drawing of X Pixmap (XPM) images, including transparency |
Fl_RGB_Image | Supports caching and drawing of full-color images with 1 to 4 channels of color information |
Fl_BMP_Image | Supports loading, caching, and drawing of Windows Bitmap (BMP) image files |
Fl_JPEG_Image | Supports loading, caching, and drawing of Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) File Interchange Format (JFIF) images |
Fl_PNG_Image | Supports loading, caching, and drawing of Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image files |
Fl_PNM_Image | Supports loading, caching, and drawing of Portable Anymap (PNM, PBM, PGM, PPM) image files |
Fl_Shared_Image | This class supports caching, loading, and drawing of image files |
Fl_Tiled_Image | This class supports tiling of images over a specified area |
Fl_Label | This struct stores all information for a text or mixed graphics label |
Fl_Mac_App_Menu | Mac OS-specific class allowing to localize the application menu |
Fl_Menu_Item | The Fl_Menu_Item structure defines a single menu item that is used by the Fl_Menu_ class |
Fl_Multi_Label | |
Fl_Native_File_Chooser | This class lets an FLTK application easily and consistently access the operating system's native file chooser |
Fl_Plugin | Fl_Plugin allows link-time and run-time integration of binary modules |
Fl_Device_Plugin | This plugin socket allows the integration of new device drivers for special window or screen types |
Fl_Preferences | Fl_Preferences provides methods to store user settings between application starts |
Fl_Plugin_Manager | Fl_Plugin_Manager manages link-time and run-time plugin binaries |
Fl_Scroll::ScrollInfo::Fl_Region_LRTB | A local struct to manage a region defined by left/right/top/bottom |
Fl_Scroll::ScrollInfo::Fl_Region_XYWH | A local struct to manage a region defined by xywh |
Fl_Scroll::ScrollInfo::Fl_Scrollbar_Data | A local struct to manage a scrollbar's xywh region and tab values |
Fl_Text_Buffer | This class manages unicode displayed in one or more Fl_Text_Display widgets |
Fl_Text_Selection | This is an internal class for Fl_Text_Buffer to manage text selections |
Fl_Tooltip | Tooltip support for all FLTK widgets |
Fl_Tree_Item | Tree widget item |
Fl_Tree_Item_Array | Manages an array of Fl_Tree_Item pointers |
Fl_Tree_Prefs | Tree widget's preferences |
Fl_Widget | Fl_Widget is the base class for all widgets in FLTK |
Fl_Box | This widget simply draws its box, and possibly its label |
Fl_Button | Buttons generate callbacks when they are clicked by the user |
Fl_Light_Button | This subclass displays the "on" state by turning on a light, rather than drawing pushed in |
Fl_Check_Button | A button with a "checkmark" to show its status |
Fl_Radio_Light_Button | |
Fl_Round_Button | Buttons generate callbacks when they are clicked by the user |
Fl_Radio_Round_Button | |
Fl_Radio_Button | |
Fl_Repeat_Button | The Fl_Repeat_Button is a subclass of Fl_Button that generates a callback when it is pressed and then repeatedly generates callbacks as long as it is held down |
Fl_Return_Button | The Fl_Return_Button is a subclass of Fl_Button that generates a callback when it is pressed or when the user presses the Enter key |
Fl_Toggle_Button | The toggle button is a push button that needs to be clicked once to toggle on, and one more time to toggle off |
Fl_Chart | Fl_Chart displays simple charts |
Fl_Clock_Output | This widget can be used to display a program-supplied time |
Fl_Clock | This widget provides a round analog clock display |
Fl_Round_Clock | A clock widget of type FL_ROUND_CLOCK |
Fl_FormsBitmap | Forms compatibility Bitmap Image Widget |
Fl_FormsPixmap | Forms pixmap drawing routines |
Fl_FormsText | |
Fl_Free | Emulation of the Forms "free" widget |
Fl_Group | FLTK container widget |
Fl_Browser_ | This is the base class for browsers |
Fl_Browser | Displays a scrolling list of text lines, and manages all the storage for the text |
Fl_File_Browser | Displays a list of filenames, optionally with file-specific icons |
Fl_Hold_Browser | The Fl_Hold_Browser is a subclass of Fl_Browser which lets the user select a single item, or no items by clicking on the empty space |
Fl_Multi_Browser | Subclass of Fl_Browser which lets the user select any set of the lines |
Fl_Select_Browser | The class is a subclass of Fl_Browser which lets the user select a single item, or no items by clicking on the empty space |
Fl_Check_Browser | Displays a scrolling list of text lines that may be selected and/or checked by the user |
Fl_Color_Chooser | Standard RGB color chooser |
Fl_Help_View | Displays HTML text |
Fl_Input_Choice | A combination of the input widget and a menu button |
Fl_Pack | This widget was designed to add the functionality of compressing and aligning widgets |
Fl_Scroll | This container widget lets you maneuver around a set of widgets much larger than your window |
Fl_Spinner | This widget is a combination of the input widget and repeat buttons |
Fl_Table | A table of widgets or other content |
Fl_Table_Row | A table with row selection capabilities |
Fl_Tabs | "file card tabs" interface that allows you to put lots and lots of buttons and switches in a panel, as popularized by many toolkits |
Fl_Text_Display | Rich text display widget |
Fl_Text_Editor | This is the FLTK text editor widget |
Fl_Tile | Lets you resize its children by dragging the border between them |
Fl_Tree | Tree widget |
Fl_Window | This widget produces an actual window |
Fl_Double_Window | The Fl_Double_Window provides a double-buffered window |
Fl_Cairo_Window | This defines a pre-configured cairo fltk window |
Fl_Overlay_Window | This window provides double buffering and also the ability to draw the "overlay" which is another picture placed on top of the main image |
Fl_Gl_Window | Sets things up so OpenGL works |
Fl_Glut_Window | GLUT is emulated using this window class and these static variables (plus several more static variables hidden in glut_compatability.cxx): |
Fl_Single_Window | This is the same as Fl_Window |
Fl_Menu_Window | Window type used for menus |
Fl_Wizard | This widget is based off the Fl_Tabs widget, but instead of displaying tabs it only changes "tabs" under program control |
Fl_Input_ | This class provides a low-overhead text input field |
Fl_Input | This is the FLTK text input widget |
Fl_File_Input | This widget displays a pathname in a text input field |
Fl_Float_Input | Subclass of Fl_Input that only allows the user to type floating point numbers (sign, digits, decimal point, more digits, 'E' or 'e', sign, digits) |
Fl_Int_Input | Subclass of Fl_Input that only allows the user to type decimal digits (or hex numbers of the form 0xaef) |
Fl_Multiline_Input | This input field displays '\n' characters as new lines rather than ^J, and accepts the Return, Tab, and up and down arrow keys |
Fl_Output | This widget displays a piece of text |
Fl_Multiline_Output | This widget is a subclass of Fl_Output that displays multiple lines of text |
Fl_Secret_Input | Subclass of Fl_Input that displays its input as a string of placeholders |
Fl_Menu_ | Base class of all widgets that have a menu in FLTK |
Fl_Choice | A button that is used to pop up a menu |
Fl_Menu_Bar | This widget provides a standard menubar interface |
Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar | A class to create, modify and delete menus that appear on Mac OS X in the menu bar at the top of the screen |
Fl_Menu_Button | This is a button that when pushed pops up a menu (or hierarchy of menus) defined by an array of Fl_Menu_Item objects |
Fl_Positioner | This class is provided for Forms compatibility |
Fl_Progress | Displays a progress bar for the user |
Fl_Timer | This is provided only to emulate the Forms Timer widget |
Fl_Valuator | Controls a single floating-point value and provides a consistent interface to set the value, range, and step, and insures that callbacks are done the same for every object |
Fl_Adjuster | Was stolen from Prisms, and has proven to be very useful for values that need a large dynamic range |
Fl_Counter | Controls a single floating point value with button (or keyboard) arrows |
Fl_Simple_Counter | This widget creates a counter with only 2 arrow buttons |
Fl_Dial | Circular dial to control a single floating point value |
Fl_Fill_Dial | Draws a dial with a filled arc |
Fl_Line_Dial | |
Fl_Roller | "dolly" control commonly used to move 3D objects |
Fl_Slider | Sliding knob inside a box |
Fl_Fill_Slider | Widget that draws a filled horizontal slider, useful as a progress or value meter |
Fl_Hor_Fill_Slider | |
Fl_Hor_Nice_Slider | |
Fl_Hor_Slider | Horizontal Slider class |
Fl_Nice_Slider | |
Fl_Scrollbar | Displays a slider with arrow buttons at the ends of the scrollbar |
Fl_Value_Slider | Fl_Slider widget with a box displaying the current value |
Fl_Hor_Value_Slider | |
Fl_Value_Input | Displays a numeric value |
Fl_Value_Output | Displays a floating point value |
Fl_Widget_Tracker | This class should be used to control safe widget deletion |
Fl_XColor | |
Fl_Text_Editor::Key_Binding | Simple linked list associating a key/state to a function |
Fl_Graphics_Driver::matrix | A 2D coordinate transformation matrix |
Fl_Preferences::Name | 'Name' provides a simple method to create numerical or more complex procedural names for entries and groups on the fly |
Fl_Preferences::Node | |
Fl_Paged_Device::page_format | Width, height and name of a page format |
Fl_Preferences::RootNode | |
Fl_Window::shape_data_type | Data supporting a non-rectangular window shape |
Fl_Text_Display::Style_Table_Entry | This structure associates the color, font, andsize of a string to draw with an attribute mask matching attr |