Export import MariaDb database by Windows 10 console.

1. Import MariaDb database to one *.sql file (fastes way):
- open MariaDb console (mysql.exe) via Start. It's for example: 'MySQL Client (MariaDB 10.1 (x64))'; - type MariaDb password; - type 'exit' command to exit MariaDb console (it's open Windows Command Console but in MariaDb folder)
- to import MariaDb database to file type command: 'mysqldump -u [user_name] -p [database_name] > [path_and_file]. For example: 'mysqldump -u root -p a_test_db > d:\a_test_db_backup.sql';
- type MariaDb pasword;

2. Export MariaDb database from one *.sql file (fastes way):
- open MariaDb console (mysql.exe) via Start. It's for example: 'MySQL Client (MariaDB 10.1 (x64))'; - type MariaDb password; - create destination database if not exist by command 'create database [database_name]a_test_db;'. For example 'create database a_test_db COLLATE = `utf8_general_ci`;'; - type 'exit' command to exit MariaDb console (it's open Windows Command Console but in MariaDb folder)
- to export to MariaDb database *.sql file type command 'mysql -u [username] -p [database_name] < [path_and_file]'. For example 'mysql -u root -p a_test_db < d:\.myfiles\a_test_db_backup.sql'.