FLTK 1.3.3
Developer Information

This chapter describes FLTK development and documentation.


/** \file
   Fl_Clock, Fl_Clock_Output widgets. */

  \class Fl_Clock_Output
  \brief This widget can be used to display a program-supplied time.
  The time shown on the clock is not updated. To display the current time,
  use Fl_Clock instead.

  \image html clock.png 
  \image latex clock.png "" width=10cm 
  \image html round_clock.png
  \image latex clock.png "" width=10cm 
  \image html round_clock.png "" width=10cm */

    Returns the displayed time.
    Returns the time in seconds since the UNIX epoch (January 1, 1970).
    \see value(ulong)
  ulong value() const {return value_;}

  Set the displayed time.
  Set the time in seconds since the UNIX epoch (January 1, 1970).
  \param[in] v seconds since epoch
  \see value()
void Fl_Clock_Output::value(ulong v) {

  Create an Fl_Clock widget using the given position, size, and label string.
  The default boxtype is \c FL_NO_BOX.
  \param[in] X, Y, W, H position and size of the widget
  \param[in] L widget label, default is no label
Fl_Clock::Fl_Clock(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *L)
  : Fl_Clock_Output(X, Y, W, H, L) {}

  Create an Fl_Clock widget using the given boxtype, position, size, and
  label string.
  \param[in] t boxtype
  \param[in] X, Y, W, H position and size of the widget
  \param[in] L widget label, default is no label
Fl_Clock::Fl_Clock(uchar t, int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *L)
  : Fl_Clock_Output(X, Y, W, H, L) {

From Duncan: (will be removed later, just for now as a reminder)

I've just added comments for the fl_color_chooser() functions, and in order to keep them and the general Function Reference information for them together, I created a new doxygen group, and used \ingroup in the three comment blocks. This creates a new Modules page (which may not be what we want) with links to it from the File Members and Fl_Color_Chooser.H pages. It needs a bit more experimentation on my part unless someone already knows how this should be handled. (Maybe we can add it to a functions.dox file that defines a functions group and do that for all of the function documentation?)

Update: the trick is not to create duplicate entries in a new group, but to move the function information into the doxygen comments for the class, and use the navigation links provided. Simply using \relatesalso as the first doxygen command in the function's comment puts it in the appropriate place. There is no need to have \defgroup and \ingroup as well, and indeed they don't work. So, to summarize:

  /** \class Gizmo
      A gizmo that does everything
  class Gizmo {
  extern int popup_gizmo(...);

  /** \relatesalso Gizmo
      Pops up a gizmo dialog with a Gizmo in it
  int popup_gizmo(...);

Comments Within Doxygen Comment Blocks

You can use HTML comment statements to embed comments in doxygen comment blocks. These comments will not be visible in the generated document.

The following text is a developer comment.
<!-- *** This *** is *** invisible *** -->
This will be visible again.

will be shown as:

The following text is a developer comment.

This will be visible again.

Different Headlines

You can use HTML tags <H1> ... <H4> for headlines with different sizes. As of doxygen 1.8.x there must not be more than three spaces at the beginning of the line for this to work. Currently (doxygen 1.8.6) there seems to be no difference in the font sizes of <H3> and <H4> in the pdf output, whereas the html output uses different font sizes.

<H1>Headline in big text (H1)</H1>
<H2>Headline in big text (H2)</H2>
<H3>Headline in big text (H3)</H3>
<H4>Headline in big text (H4)</H4>

Headline in big text (H1)

Headline in big text (H2)

Headline in big text (H3)

Headline in big text (H4)

Non-ASCII Characters

Doxygen understands many HTML quoting characters like
&quot;, &uuml;, &ccedil;, &Ccedil;, but not all HTML quoting characters.

This will appear in the document:

Doxygen understands many HTML quoting characters like
&quot;, &uuml;, &ccedil;, &Ccedil;, but not all HTML quoting characters.

For further informations about HTML quoting characters see

Alternatively you can use UTF-8 encoding within Doxygen comments.

Document Structure

  • \page creates a named page
  • \section creates a named section within that page
  • \subsection creates a named subsection within the current section
  • \subsubsection creates a named subsubsection within the current subsection

All these statements take a "name" as their first argument, and a title as their second argument. The title can contain spaces.

The page, section, and subsection titles are formatted in blue color and a size like "<H1>", "<H2>", and "<H3>", and "<H4>", respectively.

By FLTK documentation convention, a file like this one with a doxygen documentation chapter has the name "<chapter>.dox". The \page statement at the top of the page is "\page <chapter> This is the title". Sections within a documentation page must be called "<chapter>_<section>", where "<chapter>" is the name part of the file, and "<section>" is a unique section name within the page that can be referenced in links. The same for subsections and subsubsections.

These doxygen page and section commands work only in special documentation chapters, not within normal source or header documentation blocks. However, links from normal (e.g. class) documentation to documentation sections do work.

This page has

\page development I - Developer Information

at its top.

This section is

\section development_structure Document Structure

The following section is

\section development_links Creating Links

Creating Links

Links to other documents and external links can be embedded with

  • doxygen \ref links to other doxygen \page, \section, \subsection and \anchor locations
  • HTML links without markup - doxygen creates "http://..." links automatically
  • standard, non-Doxygen, HTML links
- see chapter \ref unicode creates a link to the named chapter
unicode that has been created with a \\page statement.
- For further informations about quoting see
- see <a href="http://www.nedit.org/">Nedit</a> creates
a standard HTML link

appears as:

Paragraph Layout

There is no real need to use HTML <P> and </P> tags within the text to tell doxygen to start or stop a paragraph. In most cases, when doxygen encounters a blank line or some, but not all, \commands in the text it knows that it has reached the start or end of a paragraph. Doxygen also offers the \par command for special paragraph handling. It can be used to provide a paragraph title and also to indent a paragraph. Unfortunately \par won't do what you expect if you want to have doxygen links and sometimes html tags don't work either.

  \par Normal Paragraph with title

  This paragraph will have a title, but because there is a blank line
  between the \par and the text, it will have the normal layout.

  \par Indented Paragraph with title
  This paragraph will also have a title, but because there is no blank
  line between the \par and the text, it will be indented.

  It is also possible to have an indented paragraph without title.
  This is how you indent subsequent paragraphs.

  \par No link to Fl_Widget::draw()
  Note that the paragraph title is treated as plain text.
  Doxygen type links will not work.
  HTML characters and tags may or may not work.

  Fl_Widget::draw() links and &quot;html&quot; tags work<br>
  Use a single line ending with <br> for complicated paragraph titles.

The above code produces the following paragraphs:

Normal Paragraph with title

This paragraph will have a title, but because there is a blank line between the \par and the text, it will have the normal layout.

Indented Paragraph with title
This paragraph will also have a title, but because there is no blank line between the \par and the text, it will be indented.
It is also possible to have an indented paragraph without title. This is how you indent subsequent paragraphs.
No link to Fl_Widget::draw()
Note that the paragraph title is treated as plain text. Doxygen type links will not work. HTML characters and tags may or may not work.

Fl_Widget::draw() links and "html" tags work

Use a single line ending with <br> for complicated paragraph titles.

Navigation Elements

Each introduction (tutorial) page ends with navigation elements. These elements must only be included in the html documentation, therefore they must be separated with \htmlonly and \endhtmlonly.

The following code gives the navigation bar at the bottom of this page:

<table summary="navigation bar" width="100%" border="0">
  <td width="45%" align="LEFT">
    <a class="el" href="migration_1_3.html">
    Migrating Code from FLTK 1.1 to 1.3
  <td width="10%" align="CENTER">
    <a class="el" href="index.html">[Index]</a>
  <td width="45%" align="RIGHT">
    <a class="el" href="license.html">
    Software License

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