FLTK 1.3.3
1 //
2 // "$Id: Fl_Text_Editor.H 8864 2011-07-19 04:49:30Z greg.ercolano $"
3 //
4 // Header file for Fl_Text_Editor class.
5 //
6 // Copyright 2001-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
7 // Original code Copyright Mark Edel. Permission to distribute under
8 // the LGPL for the FLTK library granted by Mark Edel.
9 //
10 // This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
11 // the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this
12 // file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
13 //
14 // http://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php
15 //
16 // Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
17 //
18 // http://www.fltk.org/str.php
19 //
21 /* \file
22  Fl_Text_Editor widget . */
25 #ifndef FL_TEXT_EDITOR_H
26 #define FL_TEXT_EDITOR_H
28 #include "Fl_Text_Display.H"
30 // key will match in any state
40 class FL_EXPORT Fl_Text_Editor : public Fl_Text_Display {
41  public:
43  typedef int (*Key_Func)(int key, Fl_Text_Editor* editor);
46  struct Key_Binding {
47  int key;
48  int state;
49  Key_Func function;
51  };
53  Fl_Text_Editor(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char* l = 0);
54  ~Fl_Text_Editor() { remove_all_key_bindings(); }
55  virtual int handle(int e);
61  void insert_mode(int b) { insert_mode_ = b; }
67  int insert_mode() { return insert_mode_; }
69  void add_key_binding(int key, int state, Key_Func f, Key_Binding** list);
71  void add_key_binding(int key, int state, Key_Func f)
72  { add_key_binding(key, state, f, &key_bindings); }
73  void remove_key_binding(int key, int state, Key_Binding** list);
75  void remove_key_binding(int key, int state)
76  { remove_key_binding(key, state, &key_bindings); }
77  void remove_all_key_bindings(Key_Binding** list);
80  void add_default_key_bindings(Key_Binding** list);
81  Key_Func bound_key_function(int key, int state, Key_Binding* list);
83  Key_Func bound_key_function(int key, int state)
84  { return bound_key_function(key, state, key_bindings); }
86  void default_key_function(Key_Func f) { default_key_function_ = f; }
88  // functions for the built in default bindings
89  static int kf_default(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
90  static int kf_ignore(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
91  static int kf_backspace(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
92  static int kf_enter(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
93  static int kf_move(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
94  static int kf_shift_move(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
95  static int kf_ctrl_move(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
96  static int kf_c_s_move(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
97  static int kf_meta_move(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
98  static int kf_m_s_move(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
99  static int kf_home(int, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
100  static int kf_end(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
101  static int kf_left(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
102  static int kf_up(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
103  static int kf_right(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
104  static int kf_down(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
105  static int kf_page_up(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
106  static int kf_page_down(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
107  static int kf_insert(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
108  static int kf_delete(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
109  static int kf_copy(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
110  static int kf_cut(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
111  static int kf_paste(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
112  static int kf_select_all(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
113  static int kf_undo(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
115  protected:
116  int handle_key();
117  void maybe_do_callback();
119 #ifndef FL_DOXYGEN
120  int insert_mode_;
121  Key_Binding* key_bindings;
122  static Key_Binding* global_key_bindings;
123  Key_Func default_key_function_;
124 #endif
125 };
127 #endif
129 //
130 // End of "$Id: Fl_Text_Editor.H 8864 2011-07-19 04:49:30Z greg.ercolano $".
131 //
void remove_all_key_bindings()
Removes all of the key bindings associated with the text editor or list.
Definition: Fl_Text_Editor.H:79
int state
the state of key modifiers
Definition: Fl_Text_Editor.H:48
void add_key_binding(int key, int state, Key_Func f)
Adds a key of state "state" with the function "function".
Definition: Fl_Text_Editor.H:71
virtual int handle(int e)
Event handling.
Definition: Fl_Text_Display.cxx:3790
Key_Func bound_key_function(int key, int state)
Returns the function associated with a key binding.
Definition: Fl_Text_Editor.H:83
void default_key_function(Key_Func f)
Sets the default key function for unassigned keys.
Definition: Fl_Text_Editor.H:86
This is the FLTK text editor widget.
Definition: Fl_Text_Editor.H:40
void remove_key_binding(int key, int state)
Removes the key binding associated with the key "key" of state "state".
Definition: Fl_Text_Editor.H:75
Simple linked list associating a key/state to a function.
Definition: Fl_Text_Editor.H:46
int key
the key pressed
Definition: Fl_Text_Editor.H:47
Key_Binding * next
next key binding in the list
Definition: Fl_Text_Editor.H:50
int insert_mode()
Gets the current insert mode; if non-zero, new text is inserted before the current cursor position...
Definition: Fl_Text_Editor.H:67
void insert_mode(int b)
Sets the current insert mode; if non-zero, new text is inserted before the current cursor position...
Definition: Fl_Text_Editor.H:61
Rich text display widget.
Definition: Fl_Text_Display.H:82