FLTK 1.3.3
1 //
2 // "$Id: Fl_Preferences.H 9978 2013-09-16 20:25:14Z greg.ercolano $"
3 //
4 // Preferences .
5 //
6 // Copyright 2002-2010 by Matthias Melcher.
7 //
8 // This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
9 // the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this
10 // file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
11 //
12 // http://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php
13 //
14 // Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
15 //
16 // http://www.fltk.org/str.php
17 //
19 /* \file
20  Fl_Preferences class . */
22 #ifndef Fl_Preferences_H
23 # define Fl_Preferences_H
25 # include <stdio.h>
26 # include "Fl_Export.H"
60 class FL_EXPORT Fl_Preferences {
62 public:
66  enum Root {
67  SYSTEM=0,
68  USER
69  };
78  typedef void *ID;
80  static const char *newUUID();
82  Fl_Preferences( Root root, const char *vendor, const char *application );
83  Fl_Preferences( const char *path, const char *vendor, const char *application );
84  Fl_Preferences( Fl_Preferences &parent, const char *group );
85  Fl_Preferences( Fl_Preferences *parent, const char *group );
86  Fl_Preferences( Fl_Preferences &parent, int groupIndex );
87  Fl_Preferences( Fl_Preferences *parent, int groupIndex );
89  Fl_Preferences( ID id );
90  virtual ~Fl_Preferences();
94  ID id() { return (ID)node; }
98  static char remove(ID id_) { return ((Node*)id_)->remove(); }
102  const char *name() { return node->name(); }
106  const char *path() { return node->path(); }
108  int groups();
109  const char *group( int num_group );
110  char groupExists( const char *key );
111  char deleteGroup( const char *group );
112  char deleteAllGroups();
114  int entries();
115  const char *entry( int index );
116  char entryExists( const char *key );
117  char deleteEntry( const char *entry );
118  char deleteAllEntries();
120  char clear();
122  char set( const char *entry, int value );
123  char set( const char *entry, float value );
124  char set( const char *entry, float value, int precision );
125  char set( const char *entry, double value );
126  char set( const char *entry, double value, int precision );
127  char set( const char *entry, const char *value );
128  char set( const char *entry, const void *value, int size );
130  char get( const char *entry, int &value, int defaultValue );
131  char get( const char *entry, float &value, float defaultValue );
132  char get( const char *entry, double &value, double defaultValue );
133  char get( const char *entry, char *&value, const char *defaultValue );
134  char get( const char *entry, char *value, const char *defaultValue, int maxSize );
135  char get( const char *entry, void *&value, const void *defaultValue, int defaultSize );
136  char get( const char *entry, void *value, const void *defaultValue, int defaultSize, int maxSize );
138  int size( const char *entry );
140  char getUserdataPath( char *path, int pathlen );
142  void flush();
144  // char export( const char *filename, Type fileFormat );
145  // char import( const char *filename );
159  class FL_EXPORT Name {
161  char *data_;
163  public:
164  Name( unsigned int n );
165  Name( const char *format, ... );
171  operator const char *() { return data_; }
172  ~Name();
173  };
176  struct Entry {
177  char *name, *value;
178  };
180 private:
181  Fl_Preferences() : node(0), rootNode(0) { }
182  Fl_Preferences &operator=(const Fl_Preferences&);
184  static char nameBuffer[128];
185  static char uuidBuffer[40];
186  static Fl_Preferences *runtimePrefs;
188 public: // older Sun compilers need this (public definition of the following classes)
189  class RootNode;
191  class FL_EXPORT Node { // a node contains a list to all its entries
192  // and all means to manage the tree structure
193  Node *child_, *next_;
194  union { // these two are mutually exclusive
195  Node *parent_; // top_ bit clear
196  RootNode *root_; // top_ bit set
197  };
198  char *path_;
199  Entry *entry_;
200  int nEntry_, NEntry_;
201  unsigned char dirty_:1;
202  unsigned char top_:1;
203  unsigned char indexed_:1;
204  // indexing routines
205  Node **index_;
206  int nIndex_, NIndex_;
207  void createIndex();
208  void updateIndex();
209  void deleteIndex();
210  public:
211  static int lastEntrySet;
212  public:
213  Node( const char *path );
214  ~Node();
215  // node methods
216  int write( FILE *f );
217  const char *name();
218  const char *path() { return path_; }
219  Node *find( const char *path );
220  Node *search( const char *path, int offset=0 );
221  Node *childNode( int ix );
222  Node *addChild( const char *path );
223  void setParent( Node *parent );
224  Node *parent() { return top_?0L:parent_; }
225  void setRoot(RootNode *r) { root_ = r; top_ = 1; }
226  RootNode *findRoot();
227  char remove();
228  char dirty();
229  void deleteAllChildren();
230  // entry methods
231  int nChildren();
232  const char *child( int ix );
233  void set( const char *name, const char *value );
234  void set( const char *line );
235  void add( const char *line );
236  const char *get( const char *name );
237  int getEntry( const char *name );
238  char deleteEntry( const char *name );
239  void deleteAllEntries();
240  int nEntry() { return nEntry_; }
241  Entry &entry(int i) { return entry_[i]; }
242  };
243  friend class Node;
245  class FL_EXPORT RootNode { // the root node manages file paths and basic reading and writing
246  Fl_Preferences *prefs_;
247  char *filename_;
248  char *vendor_, *application_;
249  public:
250  RootNode( Fl_Preferences *, Root root, const char *vendor, const char *application );
251  RootNode( Fl_Preferences *, const char *path, const char *vendor, const char *application );
253  ~RootNode();
254  int read();
255  int write();
256  char getPath( char *path, int pathlen );
257  };
258  friend class RootNode;
260 protected:
261  Node *node;
262  RootNode *rootNode;
263 };
265 #endif // !Fl_Preferences_H
267 //
268 // End of "$Id: Fl_Preferences.H 9978 2013-09-16 20:25:14Z greg.ercolano $".
269 //
Definition: Fl_Preferences.H:191
Definition: Fl_Preferences.H:176
const char * path()
Return the full path to this entry.
Definition: Fl_Preferences.H:106
Define the scope of the preferences.
Definition: Fl_Preferences.H:66
const char * name()
Return the name of this entry.
Definition: Fl_Preferences.H:102
'Name' provides a simple method to create numerical or more complex procedural names for entries and ...
Definition: Fl_Preferences.H:159
ID id()
Return an ID that can later be reused to open more references to this dataset.
Definition: Fl_Preferences.H:94
Fl_Preferences provides methods to store user settings between application starts.
Definition: Fl_Preferences.H:60
void * ID
Every Fl_Preferences-Group has a uniqe ID.
Definition: Fl_Preferences.H:78
Definition: Fl_Preferences.H:245