FLTK 1.3.3
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //
2 // "$Id: Fl_Native_File_Chooser.H 10408 2014-10-29 20:05:05Z cand $"
3 //
4 // FLTK native OS file chooser widget
5 //
6 // Copyright 1998-2014 by Bill Spitzak and others.
7 // Copyright 2004 Greg Ercolano.
8 //
9 // This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
10 // the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this
11 // file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
12 //
13 // http://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php
14 //
15 // Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
16 //
17 // http://www.fltk.org/str.php
18 //
26 // Use Windows' chooser
27 #ifdef WIN32
28 // #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501 // needed for OPENFILENAME's 'FlagsEx'
29 # include <stdio.h>
30 # include <stdlib.h> // malloc
31 # include <windows.h>
32 # include <commdlg.h> // OPENFILENAME, GetOpenFileName()
33 # include <shlobj.h> // BROWSEINFO, SHBrowseForFolder()
34 #endif
36 // Use Apple's chooser
37 #ifdef __APPLE__
38 # define MAXFILTERS 80
39 #endif
41 // All else falls back to FLTK's own chooser
42 #if ! defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(WIN32)
43 # include <FL/Fl_File_Chooser.H>
44 # include <unistd.h> // _POSIX_NAME_MAX
45 #else
46 # include <FL/filename.H> // FL_EXPORT
47 #endif
107 class FL_EXPORT Fl_Native_File_Chooser {
108 public:
109  enum Type {
110  BROWSE_FILE = 0,
116  };
117  enum Option {
118  NO_OPTIONS = 0x0000,
119  SAVEAS_CONFIRM = 0x0001,
120  NEW_FOLDER = 0x0002,
121  PREVIEW = 0x0004,
122  USE_FILTER_EXT = 0x0008
123  };
125  static const char *file_exists_message;
127 public:
128  Fl_Native_File_Chooser(int val=BROWSE_FILE);
131  // Public methods
132  void type(int t);
133  int type() const ;
134  void options(int o);
135  int options() const;
136  int count() const;
137  const char *filename() const ;
138  const char *filename(int i) const ;
139  void directory(const char *val) ;
140  const char *directory() const;
141  void title(const char *t);
142  const char* title() const;
143  const char *filter() const ;
144  void filter(const char *f);
145  int filters() const ;
146  void filter_value(int i) ;
147  int filter_value() const ;
148  void preset_file(const char*f) ;
149  const char* preset_file() const;
150  const char *errmsg() const ;
151  int show() ;
153 #ifdef WIN32
154 private:
155  int _btype; // kind-of browser to show()
156  int _options; // general options
157  OPENFILENAMEW _ofn; // GetOpenFileName() & GetSaveFileName() struct
158  BROWSEINFOW _binf; // SHBrowseForFolder() struct
159  char **_pathnames; // array of pathnames
160  int _tpathnames; // total pathnames
161  char *_directory; // default pathname to use
162  char *_title; // title for window
163  char *_filter; // user-side search filter
164  char *_parsedfilt; // filter parsed for Windows dialog
165  int _nfilters; // number of filters parse_filter counted
166  char *_preset_file; // the file to preselect
167  char *_errmsg; // error message
169  // Private methods
170  void errmsg(const char *msg);
172  void clear_pathnames();
173  void set_single_pathname(const char *s);
174  void add_pathname(const char *s);
176  void FreePIDL(LPITEMIDLIST pidl);
177  void ClearOFN();
178  void ClearBINF();
179  void Win2Unix(char *s);
180  void Unix2Win(char *s);
181  int showfile();
182  static int CALLBACK Dir_CB(HWND win, UINT msg, LPARAM param, LPARAM data);
183  int showdir();
185  void parse_filter(const char *);
186  void clear_filters();
187  void add_filter(const char *, const char *);
188 #endif
190 #ifdef __APPLE__
191 private:
192  int _btype; // kind-of browser to show()
193  int _options; // general options
194  void *_panel;
195  char **_pathnames; // array of pathnames
196  int _tpathnames; // total pathnames
197  char *_directory; // default pathname to use
198  char *_title; // title for window
199  char *_preset_file; // the 'save as' filename
201  char *_filter; // user-side search filter, eg:
202  // C Files\t*.[ch]\nText Files\t*.txt"
204  char *_filt_names; // filter names (tab delimited)
205  // eg. "C Files\tText Files"
207  char *_filt_patt[MAXFILTERS];
208  // array of filter patterns, eg:
209  // _filt_patt[0]="*.{cxx,h}"
210  // _filt_patt[1]="*.txt"
212  int _filt_total; // parse_filter() # of filters loaded
213  int _filt_value; // index of the selected filter
214  char *_errmsg; // error message
216  // Private methods
217  void errmsg(const char *msg);
218  void clear_pathnames();
219  void set_single_pathname(const char *s);
220  int get_saveas_basename(void);
221  void clear_filters();
222  void add_filter(const char *, const char *);
223  void parse_filter(const char *from);
224  int post();
225  int runmodal();
226 #endif
228 #if ! defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(WIN32)
229 private:
230 #if FLTK_ABI_VERSION <= 10302
231  int _btype; // kind-of browser to show()
232  int _options; // general options
233  int _nfilters;
234  char *_filter; // user supplied filter
235  char *_parsedfilt; // parsed filter
236  int _filtvalue; // selected filter
237  char *_preset_file;
238  char *_prevvalue; // Returned filename
239  char *_directory;
240  char *_errmsg; // error message
241 #endif
242  static int have_looked_for_GTK_libs;
243  union {
244  Fl_FLTK_File_Chooser *_x11_file_chooser;
245  Fl_GTK_File_Chooser *_gtk_file_chooser;
246  };
247 #endif
248 };
250 #if !defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(WIN32)
251 class FL_EXPORT Fl_FLTK_File_Chooser {
252  friend class Fl_Native_File_Chooser;
253 protected:
254  int _btype; // kind-of browser to show()
255  int _options; // general options
256  int _nfilters;
257  char *_filter; // user supplied filter
258  char *_parsedfilt; // parsed filter
259  int _filtvalue; // selected filter
260  char *_preset_file;
261  char *_prevvalue; // Returned filename
262  char *_directory;
263  char *_errmsg; // error message
264  Fl_FLTK_File_Chooser(int val);
265  virtual ~Fl_FLTK_File_Chooser();
266  void errmsg(const char *msg);
267  int type_fl_file(int);
268  void parse_filter();
269  int exist_dialog();
270  Fl_File_Chooser *_file_chooser;
271  virtual void type(int);
272  int type() const;
273  void options(int);
274  int options() const;
275  virtual int count() const;
276  virtual const char *filename() const;
277  virtual const char *filename(int i) const;
278  void directory(const char *val);
279  const char *directory() const;
280  virtual void title(const char *);
281  virtual const char* title() const;
282  const char *filter() const;
283  void filter(const char *);
284  int filters() const;
285  void filter_value(int i);
286  int filter_value() const;
287  void preset_file(const char*);
288  const char* preset_file() const;
289  const char *errmsg() const;
290  virtual int show();
291 };
294 class FL_EXPORT Fl_GTK_File_Chooser : public Fl_FLTK_File_Chooser {
295  friend class Fl_Native_File_Chooser;
296 private:
297  typedef struct _GtkWidget GtkWidget;
298  typedef struct _GtkFileFilterInfo GtkFileFilterInfo;
299  struct pair {
300  Fl_GTK_File_Chooser* running; // the running Fl_GTK_File_Chooser
301  const char *filter; // a filter string of the chooser
302  pair(Fl_GTK_File_Chooser* c, const char *f) {
303  running = c;
304  filter = strdup(f);
305  };
306  ~pair() {
307  free((char*)filter);
308  };
309  };
310  GtkWidget *gtkw_ptr; // used to hold a GtkWidget* without pulling GTK into everything...
311  void *gtkw_slist; // used to hold a GLib GSList...
312  unsigned gtkw_count; // number of files read back - if any
313  mutable char *gtkw_filename; // last name we read back
314  char *gtkw_title; // the title to be applied to the dialog
315  const char *previous_filter;
317  int fl_gtk_chooser_wrapper(); // method that wraps the GTK widget
318  Fl_GTK_File_Chooser(int val);
319  virtual ~Fl_GTK_File_Chooser();
320  static int did_find_GTK_libs;
321  static void probe_for_GTK_libs(void);
322  virtual void type(int);
323  virtual int count() const;
324  virtual const char *filename() const;
325  virtual const char *filename(int i) const;
326  virtual void title(const char *);
327  virtual const char* title() const;
328  virtual int show();
329  void changed_output_type(const char *filter);
331  static int custom_gtk_filter_function(const GtkFileFilterInfo*, Fl_GTK_File_Chooser::pair*);
332  static void free_pair(pair *p);
333 };
334 #endif // !defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(WIN32)
338 //
339 // End of "$Id: Fl_Native_File_Chooser.H 10408 2014-10-29 20:05:05Z cand $".
340 //
Definition: Fl_Native_File_Chooser.H:117
This class lets an FLTK application easily and consistently access the operating system's native file...
Definition: Fl_Native_File_Chooser.H:107
Definition: Fl_Native_File_Chooser.H:109
const char * directory() const
Returns the current preset directory() value.
Definition: Fl_Native_File_Chooser_FLTK.cxx:147
File names and URI utility functions.
Definition: Fl_Native_File_Chooser.H:294
int filter_value() const
Returns which filter value was last selected by the user.
Definition: Fl_Native_File_Chooser_FLTK.cxx:199
int options() const
Gets the platform specific Fl_Native_File_Chooser::Option flags.
Definition: Fl_Native_File_Chooser_FLTK.cxx:100
const char * filename() const
Return the filename the user chose.
Definition: Fl_Native_File_Chooser_FLTK.cxx:122
int show()
Post the chooser's dialog.
Definition: Fl_Native_File_Chooser_FLTK.cxx:224
static const char * file_exists_message
Localizable message.
Definition: Fl_Native_File_Chooser.H:125
const char * errmsg() const
Returns a system dependent error message for the last method that failed.
Definition: Fl_Native_File_Chooser_FLTK.cxx:216
The Fl_File_Chooser widget displays a standard file selection dialog that supports various selection ...
Definition: Fl_File_Chooser.H:48
int count() const
Returns the number of filenames (or directory names) the user selected.
Definition: Fl_Native_File_Chooser_FLTK.cxx:115
const char * preset_file() const
Get the preset filename.
Definition: Fl_Native_File_Chooser_FLTK.cxx:210
Definition: Fl_Native_File_Chooser.H:251
const char * filter() const
Returns the filter string last set.
Definition: Fl_Native_File_Chooser_FLTK.cxx:163
browse files (lets user choose multiple files)
Definition: Fl_Native_File_Chooser.H:112
int filters() const
Gets how many filters were available, not including "All Files".
Definition: Fl_Native_File_Chooser_FLTK.cxx:186
browse directories (lets user choose multiple directories)
Definition: Fl_Native_File_Chooser.H:113
const char * title() const
Get the title of the file chooser's dialog window.
Definition: Fl_Native_File_Chooser_FLTK.cxx:158
browse directories (lets user choose one directory)
Definition: Fl_Native_File_Chooser.H:111
browse to save a file
Definition: Fl_Native_File_Chooser.H:114
int type() const
Gets the current Fl_Native_File_Chooser::Type of browser.
Definition: Fl_Native_File_Chooser_FLTK.cxx:81